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Explore Kindergarten

At Sussex, kindergartners have direct instruction through a low student to teacher ratio (9:1 or lower) and become explorers on campus and in the Missoula community. Working hand-in-hand with other parts of our program, they experience a vibrant curriculum that seeks to instill a love of learning, provide a sense of community, and support more physical and academic independence.



In Kindergarten, students work on authentic projects to create a foundation of integrated-subject learning, have many opportunities for a collaborative process, and are provided with situations for student-driven solutions. Kindergarteners create, discover, and connect in a community where kindness is modeled and uplifted daily.



The Kindergarten academic foundation includes language arts, mathematics, integrated social studies & science, art, music, movement, theater, and physical education. We challenge our students and encourage them to take risks and make mistakes with the care and support of their teachers.

About our Program

Kindergarten Readiness 

We generally follow the MCPS guidelines, which state that children must be age five on or before September 10. That said, we do review applicants individually and welcome your child to apply if they are kindergarten-ready and turn 5 before December 31st. Below are some recommended behaviors and capacities for children entering Sussex School’s kindergarten program.


  • Stays safe for self and others without one-on-one attention;

  • Speaks in full sentences and is understood by others most of the time;

  • Uses words to express needs and wants;

  • Understands the concept of sharing;

  • Looks after own eating, drinking, washing, dressing, and toileting needs (accidents are rare);

  • Follows most rules and two-step directions;

  • Separates from parent/caregiver willingly most of the time, after initial transition to school;

  • Throws a ball, skips, and climbs if physically able;

  • Uses scissors to cut out basic shapes/straight lines and holds a pencil with some control using a tripod grip;

  • Shares adult attention and waits for a turn;

  • Follows instructions and carries through a task or activity with two-step instructions;

  • Shows some degree of independence from security items or self-soothing behavior (thumb sucking; attachment to blanket, stuffed animal, etc.) during the school day;

  • Plays well with others (not regularly the aggressor or victim; willing to talk through conflicts.

  • Enjoys listening to stories and looking at books (flips pages from left to right);

  • Sits /listens for 10–15 minutes to a story;

  • Recognizes and writes own name;

  • Shows an interest in writing, even if letters/writing are pretend;

  • Draws a variety of pictures to express different ideas;

  • Recites alphabet, knows colors, counts from 1 to 10;

  • Pays attention for at least five minutes to a task an adult is leading;

  • Plays games and is able to accept losing at least some of the time;

  • Recites name, address, and phone number;

  • Talks about things that are going to happen and things that have already happened.

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