Board of Directors 2023-2024
The Sussex Board of Directors are elected by Sussex Parents and provide leadership in school governance, strategic planning, and long-term school advancement in partnership with the Head of School. The board collectively performs each of these key responsibilities:
Support of the school's mission, values, and goals.
Provides counsel, oversight, evaluation, and support to the Head of School.
Annual self-assessment of the Sussex Board to measure performance and effectiveness.
Service on board committees or task forces, and active contribution towards the completion of tasks and projects.
Direct support of annual school fundraising and advancement.
Approval of Sussex School’s annual budget, tuition, and material business decisions.
Maintaining governance requirements for accreditation.
Engaging in long-term strategic planning of the school, and in actions required to see strategic plans to fruition.
Serve as an ambassador of Sussex School, building awareness and excitement within our own community, and within the larger community about our school.
Ensuring Sussex School’s commitment to a high-impact board and staff, and a joyful and creative progressive learning community.
Much of the work of the Sussex Board is done in committees that are open to our community members to join, including: Advancement; Facilities; Technology; and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Please reach out to learn more about the Sussex Board of Directors or how to get involved!

D’Et Heffington, Vice President
Melissa Neidigh, Treasurer
Uma Healy, Secretary
Members-at Large
Kiki Hubbard
Sabrina Smith
Taylor Brugh
Kate Duran
Bruce Tribbensee
Bente Winston, Founder
Teacher Representatives
Josh Davis
Joe Johnson
Board Committees
Executive Committee | Chair: Ange Anderson
Finance Committee | Co-Chairs: Lisa Whitcomb & Melissa Neidigh
NomGov Committee | Chair: D’Et Heffington​
Strategic Fundraising Committee | Co-Chairs: Carol Schwartz & Uma Healy​
Preschool Task Force | Chair: Bruce Tribbensee