AfterCare Program
The AfterCare program offers students in grades K–5 a variety of fun activities based on the interests of our students and the specialty areas of our AfterCare staff. The program continues the community feel of the Sussex school day with a balance of free play and more structured activities, including daily outdoor play. It operates from the end of the school day until 5:00 pm when school is in session.
We believe that outdoor playtime is important to the development of your child. Therefore, AfterCare is outside every day for the entire year. Please send your kids with weather-appropriate clothing. When it’s warm, we play in the ditch, and closed-toe water shoes are required.​​
A maximum of 24 K–5th grade students can be signed up per day M-Th and 12 on Fridays so plan accordingly. Please remember that AfterCare ends sharply at 5:00 each day.
Pre-scheduled & Pre-paid Fees
$16 per child | M/T/W/F, 2:45 - 5:00
$24 per child | Thursdays, 1:45 - 5:00
$40 per child | Extra-Early-Out Thursdays, 11:45 - 5:00
$10 per hour Drop-in Rate (pending space)
AfterCare + Extended-Day
AfterCare is available before or after extended-day classes if there is room, at the drop-in rate. Sign up on the days you'd like aftercare and we will adjust the billing to reflect the extended day classes.